Programmazione Messaggi WhatsApp con SendApp
Messaggi programmati WhatsApp: come scrivere oggi e inviare quando preferisci In questo articolo, parleremo di come programmare un messaggio su WhatsApp per inviarlo in un
Lista Broadcast Sparite su SendApp
Sparizione delle Liste Broadcast. Cosa sta succedendo a SendApp? Approfondimento… Lista Broadcast SendApp sparite? In molte ci cercano negli ultimi tempi (siamo nel 2024), segnalando

What’s new in Photoshop CC 2022?
What’s new in Photoshop CC 2022? The Adobe MAX 2021 conference came with the release of Photoshop 2022 (internal name, Photoshop 23.0.0), and with this

How to Create A Digital Signature in Photoshop
How to Create A Digital Signature in Photoshop Digital signatures are so handy, yet so overlooked. It’s your stamp and your branding. It’s the best

Remove background in your images
Remove background in your images Want to remove backgrounds in your images with one click? Here’s how you can do it in Photoshop. Open your

What Are Photoshop Actions?
What Are Photoshop Actions? Photoshop Actions might be one of the best tools you aren’t taking advantage of. Simply, a Photoshop Action is a sequence