emails campaign

I migliori hack di email marketing per conversioni migliori

There’s a ridiculously simple way to better your conversions – email marketing. Here’s the brutal truth: Email marketing is huge right now. And it’s only getting bigger. Although times have changed, and we have replaced emails with the all so coveted tweets and status updates, that doesn’t mean that emails have become any less useful to us

I migliori hack di email marketing per conversioni migliori Leggi tutto »

7 Metriche e KPI dell'email marketing che gli esperti di marketing dovrebbero tenere traccia

When a company has an email campaign, the company can build success and gain profits by tracking marketing metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics include open rates, email deliverability rates, bounce rates, and other statistics. When companies pay attention to these important statistics, they can identify the consumers’ reactions to the campaign. Companies sometimes

7 Metriche e KPI dell'email marketing che gli esperti di marketing dovrebbero tenere traccia Leggi tutto »