email marketing


Shooting weddings can be a daunting thought for a photographer. Even if you have strong camera skills and know your equipment well, capturing the emotion of a wedding day is a challenge. Every wedding is different, and there isn’t a formula to follow. If you approach it the right way, you can take the pressure off […]

初心者の結婚式の写真家のための重要なヒント Read More »


There’s a ridiculously simple way to better your conversions – email marketing. Here’s the brutal truth: Email marketing is huge right now. And it’s only getting bigger. Although times have changed, and we have replaced emails with the all so coveted tweets and status updates, that doesn’t mean that emails have become any less useful to us

より良いコンバージョンのための最高のEメールマーケティングハック Read More »


Admittedly, there is little confusion when people talk about technical terms like “Script Fonts” and “Cursive Fonts” in typography. It is quite hard to define script font in words especially if you don’t know much about typography. While in so many cases, typography terms are used interchangeably, it is necessary to know what they really

スクリプトフォントとは何ですか?そして、なぜ私はそれを使うべきですか? Read More »


Do you know that there are over 1.5 billion pieces of content on the internet? Any new page or post you create is just addition to that huge stock of content that already exists. So, how do you expect that your website or post will be visible to the internet users? You might give the

ビジュアルコンテンツがWebサイトにとって重要な9つの理由 Read More »


When choosing colors and design, think back to your audience and what they’d want. The best practice is to keep it at 2-3 brand colors; it’s best not to overwhelm the viewer. This is the same with font or typography. Choose fonts that communicate your message and brand personality without creating an eyesore for those coming

フリーランスサービスを中心にブランドを作成する Read More »


In the world of online business, things are done a little differently than the traditional ways. The internet completely changes how your business functions from the ground up, so it is important to understand the way online business works. For a company that is just entering the online realm, you will most likely need the

ウェブデザインのヒントであなたのビジネスを増やしましょう Read More »


When a company has an email campaign, the company can build success and gain profits by tracking marketing metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics include open rates, email deliverability rates, bounce rates, and other statistics. When companies pay attention to these important statistics, they can identify the consumers’ reactions to the campaign. Companies sometimes

マーケターが追跡する必要のある7つのEメールマーケティング指標とKPI Read More »